Who Wants to be an Anaesthetist - A brief introduction |
This set of web pages was tossed together over a weekend, but should nevertheless work
with most browsers. (If you're one of the 0.3% of people still using Netscape 4, you
may well have problems, try Firefox)!
They were initially used to liven up teaching of a Part II FANZCA course held at the U of A
in 2004.
Questions are randomly selected, so you should get different ones
each time you start the game, but the same ones will pop up again from time to time as
there are at present only about 170 questions.
1. You need four teams. Each team gains a point for every correct answer,
and their arrow (cursor) moves up the ladder as they gain points.
You lose one or more points for incorrect answers. At lower levels, you just lose
one point, but higher up you can lose several points in one go. Once you've passed
certain key points (ethics and a mandatory acute management question), you cannot
drop below these levels again. Here are the topics (pain, acute management, regional
anaesthesia, GA, medicine, ethics, and chance). The 'ethics questions' are all the
same, as they were stand ins for actual questions in the original game.
2. For any one question you usually have the choice of two of the seven colour-coded topics. But watch
out! If you consistently avoid a topic, you might get it as your final question! Watch the topmost item
on the ladder. A random 'stinker' question might also pop up to discombobulate you from time to time.
3. You have three lifelines, which can only be used once each per game.
They are:
 Decline the case. The next team takes over but
you neither gain nor lose points! |
 Obtain a consultant's opinion. This may or may not help you! |
 Get information off the World-wide Web. Will you trust it? |
(Once you've got the answer, 'web' and 'consultant' buttons can be clicked without
losing a lifeline)!
4. This game is for
teaching purposes only and should not be regarded as authoritative or be used to dictate patient
management. Often, we've chosen what we consider the best answer - for the purposes of the game, the game master is
always right! The winner is the first group to reach the top.
5. Although some questions are illustrated by pictures, these do not
necessarily provide a clue, being mainly for entertainment!