Pain Control in ICU

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Important pain topics:

Web Resources

There seem to be few good web resources on pain.

There is quite a lot on gasbone including:
Local analgesia
Notes on pain management;
Information on Equianalgesic doses;
There is some stuff on Pain measurement as well as a rather dry section on post-operative pain relief.

The following did not impress:
A Dutch handbook has some stuff on doses duration of action, etc. Not great.
An article on drugs commonly administered IV in ICU has scanty info, and they seem to have ocr’ed their references (badly)
... and other bits and pieces which we will not put in. Many promising-looking items (on search) have servers which are continually down!

We are still busy adding to this page. If you are interested in pain physiology, or are concerned about pain management and wish to contribute to our web page, mail us.

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