Busy Loading JavaScript..

If the next page of the tutorial doesn't appear on your screen before you're finished reading this message, then:
  • Your browser doesn't understand JavaScript; or
  • You're using a primitive version of Internet explorer ( < 4); or
  • JavaScript isn't working on your browser (you should enable it); or
  • Perhaps the Internet is having a very slow day!

Hmm. Ordinarily we would here have a href to a page specifically designed for naïve browsers, but as the tutorial is about JavaScript, such a page would be silly rather than helpful! We would suggest you go get a JavaScript-enabled browser, or enable JavaScript on your current browser and then click HERE.

If you're just visiting this page (from the next page) then click here to go back to where you were!

Webpage author jvs@anaesthetist.com Last update: 2000-10-7