Journals Reviewed: A variety of Journals from 1999 and 2000 |
Abstracted by: Dr J van Schalkwyk; FCP (Critical Care) (Consultant, University of the
Witwatersrand) |
Summary of abstract
Here we look at several articles on TOE with relevance to anaesthesia and/or
intensive care.
(You may wish to briefly browse our editorial comment
1. TOE for Preload Assessment in the Critically Ill
The authors describe two groups of patients (twenty one patients
post-cardiac surgery, and twenty ICU patients) who had both TOE
and pulmonary artery catheters (PACs) in place. Baseline measurements were
followed by fluid challenge (500 ml colloid over 15') and repeat
measurements. The 'take home' message at the end of the abstract
is worth quoting in full:
In a ventilated intensive care unit and cardiac surgical
population, transesophageal echocardiography and pulmonary artery
catheter are sensitive in detecting changes in preload after volume
administration. Few patients demonstrate volume-recruitable
increases in stroke volume when compared to cardiac surgical patients.
It is not possible to establish an overall end diastolic threshold
below which a large proportion of ventilated patients respond
to volume administration".
On the surface, this study looks really interesting. We will first
look at the authors objectives and conclusions, and then make
a more careful examination of the body of the article, before
deciding whether there 'take home message' should in fact be taken home!
A. Objectives
The objectives of the study are clearly stated:
- Determine the relationship, in an ICU population, between stroke volume (SV) and
end-diastolic area (EDA) as assessed by TOE (using the
transgastric mid-papillary short axis view);
- 'See whether an optimal EDA exists below which an increase in SV is
observed after IV volume administration';
- 'Examine whether an ICU patient subgroup was different from
postoperative cardiac surgical patients'.
B. The conclusions of the study (slightly re-arranged) are:
'There was a modest relationship between SV and EDA in all patients
(r=0.60) ..';
- 'It was not possible to establish a threshold [EDA] below which
a large proportion of patients respond to volume administration'.
'.. few ICU patients responded to volume administration when
compared with the post-operative cardiac surgical patients..
The ICU responders seemed to cluster at an EDA <= 12cm 2 ';
- PCWP increased significantly in responders (those who increased
stroke volume (SV) by 20% or more) and non-responders alike;
'We found no correlation between EDA and PCWP' (pulmonary capillary
wedge pressure);
- 'We found no correlation between SV and PCWP';
- 'This study provides evidence that the TEE gives information
additive to the pulmonary artery catheter in the assessment of
preload in an ICU population. Although there may not be a specific
threshold EDA value that reliably predicts a response to fluid
administration in all patients, the LV EDA may be useful in
identifying some critically ill patients who could benefit from
volume administration.'
C. A critique
In order to derive benefit (if any exists) from the following criticism,
it's a good idea to have the article at hand, as we will not regurgitate
the whole article verbatim. We have several problems with the study,
apart from the usual limitations of ICU studies (smallish sample sizes,
and the heterogeneous nature of ICU patients, both of which apply to
this study). Our problems were:
- Objectives & conclusion :
If we examine the objectives of the study, we have to ask ourselves
several questions:
- Do we expect a relationship between SV and EDA to exist? (Question 1)
- Do we expect a 'magic number' for the EDA below which
volume supplementation will work? (Question 2)
- Do we expect the ICU subgroup to differ from the
postoperative cardiac surgical group? (Question 3)
The first question can be made more clear by paraphrasing it:
"Do we expect a relationship between stroke volume and a proxy for
preload measurement?". Stroke volume is determined by three
things, (a) preload, (b) contractility and (c) afterload. So, on
basic physiological principles, we can answer the authors first
question with a "somewhat but not a lot" before we look at a single patient.
We would indeed be surprised if there was any other result!
Anyone who has been in ICU for some time should have acquired
a healthy mistrust of magic numbers - we will therefore not be
entirely flabbergasted if the authors don't come up with one (and
we might be deeply suspicious if they do). Question number two
answered, although perhaps not entirely satisfactorily.
Let's turn to the cardiac group who were
carefully selected with (i) uncomplicated surgery; (ii)
good pre-operative ejection fractions, (iii) no recent myocardial infarction,
and (iv) a 'stable condition' postoperatively. We compare these with
a mix of ICU patients with sepsis (7), ischaemic heart disease (3),
'cardiac arrest' (2), pancreatitis (2) and a mixed bag of others with
APACHE II scores from 10 to 33. We ask ourselves, "Do we expect the
two groups to 'be different' ?". Clearly, the answer is again
self evident. We would fall on our backs with surprise if the two
groups didn't differ!
The study is now starting to look a little less enticing.
Even before we look at the results,
we don't expect (if the authors adhere to their main objectives)
that we will learn much that we couldn't predict (apart, perhaps,
from an indication of what EDA values will be fluid responsive).
Now let's re-examine the conclusions..
- The first conclusion, that SV relates modestly to EDA (r 2
of 0.36, indicating that EDA variation accounts for about one third
of the total variation in SV) is as we expected;
- 'No magic EDA number' is far from surprising, especially
given the heterogeneity of the case mix;
- The groups were different. (We explore
this in more detail later).
- PCWP increased in most patients when fluid was given.
- The lack of correlation between EDA and PCWP has been
shown in other studies - nothing remarkable here.
- The lack of correlation between SV and PCWP (in the face
of a modest correlation between SV and EDP) therefore comes as no
- Conclusion B7 above is a bland pronouncement on preload,
with minimal apparent scientific content.
What then can we learn from this study? I believe that one can
often learn more from a weak study than from a strong one, simply by
analysing its faults in detail. Let's take an even closer look.
- The Methods
The study has several good points in that ethical review appears appropriate,
there were forty one cases (a fair number for an ICU-related study, although the
reason why they stopped at 41 is not clear), and an attempt was made to
acquire similar ICU cases (inotropic support, low-ish wedge, low urine
output, adequate gas exchange, and thought to require fluid).
There are however several questions we might ask:
- What is "adequate gas exchange" and how was it determined?
- How many potential candidates were excluded and why were
they excluded (from both groups)?
- Did anyone refuse consent?
- How long were the patients in ICU before they were enrolled -
was their enrolment a 'convenience' thing, or was there a trigger
point at which they were enrolled? (What criteria did they have to
satisfy and for how long, before enrolment?)
- How much fluid did the patients receive before they entered
the study?
- How long did it take to repeat all the studies after the
fluid was administered?
- Let's see some basic demographics for the patients.
- The ICU cases were broadly 'similar' but were they
It's disappointing to note that none of these questions appears
to have been answered in the article! Of particular concern are the
exclusions (if any) as a large number of exclusions could potentially
contribute to a substantial selection bias. Even more important is
to know 'where' the patients were when the assessment started !
A patient in ICU who is seriously ill is likely to have been subjected
to a variety of interventions, each of which may alter their course
and outcome. We get some indication of this from the startlingly
diverse array of inotropes used.
These patients all had pulmonary artery catheters inserted, so it is reasonable
to assume the catheters were used for something before they
were enrolled. This 'something' was surely goal-directed fluid administration
by the physician looking after the patients! Or were the patients enrolled
immediately after the PACs were inserted? We will probably never know!
Because we have few demographics we
have no idea of the patients' ages, apart from the bland statement that
"there was no significant difference with respect to age, height and
weight between the two groups". (We know that on average, women are
smaller than men, so this statement, combined with the fact that
there were eleven women in the ICU group, and none in the cardiac group
should be a cause for concern, and not reassurance)!
This brings us to another point - that all
parameters are reported without reference to the sizes of the patients!
We know that the conventional normalisation according to 'body surface
area' (or weight 2/3 ) may well be incorrect, with
Kleiber's work suggesting that scaling to weight 3/4 is more
appropriate, but I am not aware of work saying it is right to
completely disregard the size of the patient! All reported parameters
that vary with body size (cardiac output, stroke volume, and EDA)
must thus be regarded with deep suspicion! Their goal of a magic number
for EDA may have been more closely realised had the EDA to some
degree been adjusted for body size!
In addition, no indication is given of the blood pressures of
the patients. As Guyton has pointed out, we cannot become fixated with
cardiac function -we need to look at how normal physiology works!
The heart is a slave of the peripheral tissues which, if provided
with a sufficient head of pressure, take what they need through the
exquisitely complex process of
vascular autoregulation. Although this process may be deranged
in disease states, such derangement suggests that we should strive even
harder to ensure that organs in the critically ill receive an adequate
perfusion pressure, and not just ensure a high cardiac output!
A brief note on the analysis. We note that 'linear regression
was used to examine the relationship between SV and EDA '. We all know
from basic physiology that the Starling curve relating stroke volume and
ventricular end-diastolic volume is far from linear, especially as
the curve flattens out at higher end-diastolic volumes. Perhaps I'm
being silly, but is it appropriate to use linear regression for
a non-linear curve?
- Results
Only four of the twenty ICU patients responded to a fluid bolus!
This is likely a confirmation of our initial suspicion that
the PACs were placed some time before enrolment, and used by the
attending physician to guide fluid therapy! It also (surely) precludes
adequate analysis - but our authors lump the cases together with
the cardiac surgical ones (despite testing for a 'difference' and indeed
finding one)! We are tempted to say that you cannot have your cake
and eat it.
Let's look at our cases in a bit more detail. Unfortunately,
much vital information is denied us - we've already alluded to lack of blood
pressure information, but what about heart rate? We have been provided with
stroke volume (SV) and cardiac output, so we can work out the
heart rates for the various patients before and after fluid bolus
administration. Can we derive any useful information from this
calculation? With some cases, I think we can. For example, look
at case six, on a noradrenaline + dopamine infusion, who starts off
with a cardiac output of 5.00 l/min, and after 500 ml of fluid
ends up with a cardiac output of 4.50 ! This doesn't make a lot of
sense (one is tempted to conjure up the languishing spectre of
a descending limb to the Starling curve), until we look at the
heart rate. For some unknown reason, this decreased from 132/min to
116/min. Perhaps the patient's fever subsided? We will never know.
What were the systemic vascular resistances of the patients?
We know the cardiac and ICU groups were not comparable, and the
responder group was so small as to make any analysis of significance
of questionable value, but it would still give us a better "feel"
for the cases if we knew the SVRs.
Finally, we ask ourselves "If you have a patient with a
cardiac output of 11.9 l/min (cases 1 and 10), a decent wedge (14 - 15),
and an EDA of 19 - 20 cm 2 , what are you really hoping
to achieve by whacking in 500 ml of colloid?" Has supra-normalisation
suddenly come back into vogue, or are we just blindly chasing a
- Discussion
Mention has already been made of the conclusions derived by the
authors. What is interesting (although perhaps` not susceptible
to statistical analysis, owing to the small numbers) is that
the "responders" to fluid in the ICU group had EDAs of 9.8, 7.6,
10.4 and 11.7 cm 2 . The mean EDA in the remaining
patients was 20.1 cm 2 .
We are tempted to rewrite the 'take home message' of this
study as follows:
In a ventilated intensive care unit and cardiac surgical
population, transesophageal echocardiography and pulmonary artery
catheter are sensitive in detecting changes in preload after volume
administration, but the clinical relevance of
this observation is uncertain.
In a selected and poorly characterised set of ICU patients
few patients demonstrate volume-recruitable
increases in stroke volume [when compared to cardiac surgical patients].
It is not possible to
Owing to the small size, poor design and vigorous
filling up of patients prior to enrolment we failed to
establish an overall end diastolic threshold
below which a large proportion of ventilated patients respond
to volume administration
although just eyeballing the data it would seem
that round about 10 cm 2 is not a bad number, but
we forgot to correct for patient size!
Article 1:
The Use of Transesophageal Echocardiography for Preload Assessment
in Critically Ill Patients
Anesth Analg 2000 90 351-5 |
Article type:
Clinical Study |
Tousignant CP, Walsh F & Mazer CD.
2. Mitral Regurgitation and General Anaesthesia
In a well designed study, the authors demonstrate quite convincingly
that anaesthesia often has a substantial effect on the severity
of mitral regurgitation. Every anaesthetist will know this already,
but it's good to see quantitation, and be reminded that severe
mitral regurgitation may be grossly mis-assessed in the anaesthetised
Article 2:
Effect of General Anesthesia on the Severity of Mitral Regurgitation
by Transesophageal Echocardiography
Am J Cardiol 2000 85 199-203 |
Article type:
Clinical Study |
Grewal KS, et al.
3. Evaluation of Mitral Regurgitation
A beautiful article on systematic examination of the mitral valve
using TEE. The authors demonstrate that meticulous, carefully
planned mitral valve assessment is better than a (retrospective)
"let's have a look" approach! Despite the small numbers, I believe
the authors have made a significant contribution, that will permit
improved surgical decision-making.
Article 3:
Improved Evaluation of the Location and Mechanism of Mitral Valve
Regurgitation with a Systematic Transesophageal Echocardiography Examination
Anesth Analg 1999 88 1205-12 |
Article type:
Clinical study and tutorial |
Lambert AS, et al.
4. TOE and Haemodynamics in children
This study superficially suggests that intra-abdominal pressures
of up to 12 mmHg are safe in children, as there is only a transient
and fairly insubstantial decrease in cardiac output in response
to such pressures. Two comments are in order:
- The authors provide only mean ± SD data, not individual
values. There is nothing to tell us (for example) whether in one of the
children the cardiac index didn't plummet to an extremely low value,
but that this is hidden in the average!
- This study should be contrasted with the next one, which
we consider much more thought-provoking.
Article 4:
Transoesophageal echocardiographic assessment of haemodynamic
changes during laparoscopic herniorrhaphy in small children
BJA 2000 84(3) 330-4 |
Article type:
Clinical study |
Sakka SG, et al.
5. TOE, the elderly and laparoscopic cholecystectomy!
In laparoscopic cholecystectomy, middle hepatic venous blood flow plummets with pressures of 9-12 mmHg, from a baseline of
330 ± 64 ml/min, to 74 ± 25 ml/min! Such dramatic
changes don't occur with open cholecystectomy. Recovery is slower
in the elderly. Worrying stuff!
Article 5:
Hepatic Blood Flow and Function in Elderly Patients Undergoing
Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
Anesth Analg 2000 90 1198-1202 |
Article type:
Clinical Study |
Sato K, Kawamura T & Wakusawa R.
Editorial thought-of-the-day!
Wouldn't it be nice if comprehensive patient data for each and every
new clinical study were available on the
Internet, perhaps in some stable repository? We could avoid the
oh-so-frequent problem of inadequate information to really properly
assess a study. Is any author brave enough?
By the way, there's a really remarkably good echo website at Echo In Context. Well
worth a visit.
